May is the first month of the fishing season for the Superfly. Starting in mid-May we will be targeting near-shore ground fish which are generally plentiful and eager to bite as the water temperatures warm and bring new life to the waters. Some years there will be enough early arrivals to target our favorite game species striped bass. Captain John will always be happy to let you know where he thinks the migration of striped bass is at shortly before the trip date.
By the beginning of June, the striped bass migration is usually in full swing giving enough fish to target specifically if you so choose. It is also a great time to mix it up and do a nearshore groundfish trip with striped bass mixed in too. Towards the middle or end of June larger bass start to show up at times in good numbers too.
Fireworks are not just for the 4th of July when it comes to striped bass fishing. The whole month has spectacular fishing with fresh schools of fish showing up all throughout the month.
August has become a month that has yielded more Large bass over 40″ than any other the past few seasons. The fish will often seek cooler ocean waters and cruise the oceanfront looking for a variety of forage from bait fish, to crustaceans, and squid.
September has to be Captain John’s favorite month to fish. The cod season opens, and the striped bass go into a veracious feeding pattern to ready themselves for the migration south. A great time to think about doing a 6 or 8 hour trip where you target cod to start and finish off with striped bass.
As the waters cool there is still some great fishing to be had. The striped bass that are left are on the move and always looking for another snack on for their journey ahead. The striped bass tail of between the middle and end of the month generally. Some years there are striped bass into the early parts of November. If the striped bass have headed out there is still the opportunity to catch and keep cod until Oct. 7th, and catch and release after that.